FlatZinc builtins added in MiniZinc 2.1.1.

These functions and predicates define built-in operations of the MiniZinc language that have been added in MiniZinc 2.1.1. Solvers that support these natively need to include a file called redefinitions-2.1.1.mzn in their solver library that redefines these predicates as builtins.

In this section: max, min.


function var $$E: max(var set of $$E: s)

Returns variable constrained to be equal to the maximum of the set s. An alternative implementation can be found in the comments of the source code.


function var $$E: min(var set of $$E: s)

Returns variable constrained to be equal to the minimum of the set s. An alternative implementation can be found in the comments of the source code.