4.2.5. Additional declarations for Gecode

These annotations and predicates are available for the Gecode solver. In order to use them in a model, include the file “gecode.mzn”. Additional Gecode search annotations


annotation activity_max

Select variable with largest activity count

annotation activity_min

Select variable with smallest activity count

annotation activity_size_max

Select variable with largest activity count divided by domain size

annotation activity_size_min

Select variable with smallest activity count divided by domain size

annotation afc_max

Select variable with largest accumulated failure count

annotation afc_min

Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count

annotation afc_size_max

Select variable with largest accumulated failure count divided by domain size

annotation afc_size_min

Select variable with smallest accumulated failure count divided by domain size

annotation random

Select random variable

Functions and Predicates

annotation bool_default_search(ann: varsel, ann: valsel)

Specify default search strategy for Boolean variables to use variable selection strategy varsel , and value choice strategy valsel .

annotation float_default_search(ann: varsel, ann: valsel)

Specify default search strategy for float variables to use variable selection strategy varsel , and value choice strategy valsel .

annotation int_default_search(ann: varsel, ann: valsel)

Specify default search strategy for integer variables to use variable selection strategy varsel , and value choice strategy valsel .

annotation relax_and_reconstruct(array [int] of var int: x,
                                 int: percentage)

Simple large neighbourhood search strategy: upon restart, for each variable in x , the probability of it being fixed to the previous solution is percentage (out of 100).

annotation relax_and_reconstruct(array [int] of var int: x,
                                 int: percentage,
                                 array [int] of int: y)

Simple large neighbourhood search strategy: upon restart, for each variable in x , the probability of it being fixed to the previous solution is percentage (out of 100). Start from an initial solution y .

annotation set_default_search(ann: varsel, ann: valsel)

Specify default search strategy for set variables to use variable selection strategy varsel , and value choice strategy valsel . Additional Gecode constraints

predicate among_seq(array [int] of var int: x,
                    set of int: S,
                    int: l,
                    int: m,
                    int: n)

Every subsequence of x of length l has at least m and at most n occurrences of the values in S

predicate among_seq(array [int] of var bool: x,
                    bool: b,
                    int: l,
                    int: m,
                    int: n)

Every subsequence of x of length l has at least m and at most n occurrences of the values in S

predicate circuit_cost(array [int] of int: c,
                       array [int] of var int: x,
                       var int: z)

Constrains the elements of x to define a circuit where x [ i ] = j means that j is the successor of i . Additionally, constrain z to be the cost of the circuit. Each edge cost is defined by array c .


predicate circuit_cost_array(array [int] of int: c,
                             array [int] of var int: x,
                             array [int] of var int: y,
                             var int: z)

Constrains the elements of x to define a circuit where x [ i ] = j means that j is the successor of i . Additionally, constrain z to be the cost of the circuit. Each edge cost is defined by array c . The variables y [i] are constrained to be the edge cost of the node x [i].


predicate gecode_array_set_element_intersect(var set of int: x,
                                             array [int] of var set of int: y,
                                             var set of int: z)

Constrain z to be the intersection of all sets in y that are selected by x : \(i \in {\bf z} \leftrightarrow \forall j \in {\bf x}: (i \in {\bf y}[j])\)

predicate gecode_array_set_element_intersect_in(var set of int: x,
                                                array [int] of var set of int: y,
                                                var set of int: z,
                                                set of int: u)

Constrain z to be a subset of u , and z to be the intersection of all sets in y that are selected by x : \(i \in {\bf z} \leftrightarrow \forall j \in {\bf x}: (i \in {\bf y}[j])\)

predicate gecode_array_set_element_partition(var set of int: x,
                                             array [int] of var set of int: y,
                                             var set of int: z)

Constrain z to be the disjoint union of all sets in y that are selected by x : \(i \in {\bf z} \leftrightarrow \exists j \in {\bf x}: (i \in {\bf y}[j])\) and \(i \in {\bf x} \land j \in {\bf x} \land i\neq j \rightarrow {\bf y}[i] \cap {\bf y}[j]=\emptyset\)