Yuck is a constraint solver that combines local search with restarting, global constraints, and hierarchical cost functions. Yuck currently implements simulated annealing. Yuck currently supports boolean, integer, and integer set variables. Yuck can be used as a library or via its FlatZinc frontend. Yuck currently features the following global constraints: alldifferent, alldifferent_except_0, atmost, atleast, bin_packing*, count_*, cumulative, disjunctive, element, exactly, inverse, maximum, minimum, nvalue, regular, sum, table Yuck is written in Scala and exploits the Scala library's immutable collection classes in its implementation of global constraints for local search. Yuck is a project by Michael Marte (see https://de.linkedin.com/pub/michael-marte/6/353/b21). Yuck will become available as open source on Github later this year (see https://github.com/informarte/yuck).