YACS is yet another constraint solver. YACS combines local search with restarting, global constraints, and hierarchical cost functions. YACS currently implements simulated annealing. YACS currently supports boolean, integer, and integer set variables. YACS currently features the following global constraints: alldifferent, alldifferent_except_0, atmost, atleast, count_*, cumulative, element, exactly, inverse, maximum, minimum, nvalue, regular, sum, table YACS can be used as a library or via its FlatZinc frontend. YACS is written in Scala and exploits the Scala library's immutable collection classes in its implementation of global constraints for local search. YACS is a project by Michael Marte (see https://de.linkedin.com/pub/michael-marte/6/353/b21). The author is currently working as a test architect for TomTom but this position is in no way related to the YACS project. YACS currently is a one-man show but the future development model is as yet undecided. Feel free to contact the author if you are potentially interested in contributing. There is a lot to do; implementing local search properly (flexible and scalable) gives rise to many challenges. For example, ever thought about how to compute the effects of a given move on a given diffn_k constraint in an efficient way?