Mathematical constraints

In this section: arg_max, arg_max_weak, arg_min, arg_min_weak, arg_val, arg_val_weak, maximum, maximum_arg, minimum, minimum_arg, piecewise_linear, range, sliding_sum, sum_pred, sum_set.


1.  function var $$E: arg_max(array [$$E] of var int: x)

2.  function var $$E: arg_max(array [$$E] of var bool: x)

3.  function var $$E: arg_max(array [$$E] of var float: x)

4.  function var $$E: arg_max(array [$$E] of var opt int: x)

5.  function var $$E: arg_max(array [$$E] of var opt bool: x)

6.  function var $$E: arg_max(array [$$E] of var opt float: x)

Returns the index of the maximum value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned.


Returns the index of the maximum non-absent value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned.


function var opt $$E: arg_max_weak(array [$$E] of var opt int: x)
function var opt $$E: arg_max_weak(array [$$E] of var opt bool: x)
function var opt $$E: arg_max_weak(array [$$E] of var opt float: x)

Returns the index of the maximum non-absent value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned. Returns absent when all elements are absent.


1.  function var $$E: arg_min(array [$$E] of var int: x)

2.  function var $$E: arg_min(array [$$E] of var bool: x)

3.  function var $$E: arg_min(array [$$E] of var float: x)

4.  function var $$E: arg_min(array [$$E] of var opt int: x)

5.  function var $$E: arg_min(array [$$E] of var opt bool: x)

6.  function var $$E: arg_min(array [$$E] of var opt float: x)

Returns the index of the minimum value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned.


Returns the index of the minimum non-absent value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned.


function var opt $$E: arg_min_weak(array [$$E] of var opt int: x)
function var opt $$E: arg_min_weak(array [$$E] of var opt bool: x)
function var opt $$E: arg_min_weak(array [$$E] of var opt float: x)

Returns the index of the minimum non-absent value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned. Returns absent when all elements are absent.


function var $$E: arg_val(array [$$E] of var bool: x, var bool: v)
function var $$E: arg_val(array [$$E] of var opt bool: x,
                          var opt bool: v)
function var $$E: arg_val(array [$$E] of var float: x, var float: v)
function var $$E: arg_val(array [$$E] of var opt float: x,
                          var float: v)
function var $$E: arg_val(array [$$E] of var $$V: x, var $$V: v)
function var $$E: arg_val(array [$$E] of var opt $$V: x,
                          var opt $$V: v)

Returns the index of the value v in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned. Note that this function forces the value v to occur in x.


function var opt $$E: arg_val_weak(array [$$E] of var bool: x,
                                   var bool: v)
function var opt $$E: arg_val_weak(array [$$E] of var opt bool: x,
                                   var opt bool: v)
function var opt $$E: arg_val_weak(array [$$E] of var float: x,
                                   var float: v)
function var opt $$E: arg_val_weak(array [$$E] of var opt float: x,
                                   var opt float: v)
function var opt $$E: arg_val_weak(array [$$E] of var $$V: x,
                                   var $$V: v)
function var opt $$E: arg_val_weak(array [$$E] of var opt $$V: x,
                                   var opt $$V: v)

Returns the index of the value v in the array x when v. When breaking ties the least index is returned. Returns absent when v does not occur in x.


predicate maximum(var $$E: m, array [int] of var $$E: x)
predicate maximum(var float: m, array [int] of var float: x)

Constrains m to be the maximum of the values in x.

Assumptions: |x| > 0.


1.  predicate maximum_arg(array [int] of var int: x, var int: i)

2.  predicate maximum_arg(array [$$E] of var bool: x, var $$E: i)

3.  predicate maximum_arg(array [$$E] of var float: x, var $$E: i)
1, 2.

Constrain i to be the index of the maximum value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned.

Assumption: |x| > 0

  1. Constrain i to be the index of the maximum value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned.

    Assumption: |x| > 0


predicate minimum(var float: m, array [int] of var float: x)
predicate minimum(var $$E: m, array [int] of var $$E: x)

Constrains m to be the minimum of the values in x.

Assumptions: |x| > 0.


predicate minimum_arg(array [int] of var int: x, var int: i)
predicate minimum_arg(array [int] of var bool: x, var int: i)
predicate minimum_arg(array [int] of var float: x, var int: i)

Constrain i to be the index of the minimum value in the array x. When breaking ties the least index is returned.

Assumption: |x| > 0


1.  function var float: piecewise_linear(var float: x,
                                         array [int] of float: xi,
                                         array [int] of float: vi)

2.  predicate piecewise_linear(var float: x,
                               var float: y,
                               array [int] of float: xi,
                               array [int] of float: vi)

3.  function var float: piecewise_linear(var float: x,
                                         array [int] of float: x_start,
                                         array [int] of float: x_end,
                                         array [int] of float: v_start,
                                         array [int] of float: v_end)

4.  predicate piecewise_linear(var float: x,
                               var float: y,
                               array [int] of float: x_start,
                               array [int] of float: x_end,
                               array [int] of float: v_start,
                               array [int] of float: v_end)
  1. Return the piecewise-linear function of x on the given point-value sequence. The array xi defines the points, and vi the corresponding values.

  2. Constrains y(x) to be the piecewise-linear function on the provided point-value sequence. The array xi defines the points, and vi the corresponding values.

  3. Return the piecewise-linear function of x on the given (possibly disconnected) intervals. Each interval i connects (x_start[i], v_start[i]) to (x_end[i], v_end[i]).

  4. Constrains y(x) to be the piecewise-linear function on the given (possibly disconnected) intervals. Each interval i connects (x_start[i], v_start[i]) to (x_end[i], v_end[i]).


1.  predicate range(array [$$X] of var $$Y: x,
                    var set of $$X: s,
                    var set of $$Y: t)

2.  function var set of int: range(array [int] of var int: x,
                                   var set of int: s)
  1. Requires that the image of function x (represented as an array) on set of values s is t. ub(s) must be a subset of index_set(x) otherwise an assertion failure will occur.

  2. Returns the image of function x (represented as an array) on set of values s. ub(s) must be a subset of index_set(x) otherwise an assertion failure will occur.


predicate sliding_sum(int: low,
                      int: up,
                      int: seq,
                      array [int] of var int: vs)

Requires that in each subsequence vs[i], …, vs[i + seq - 1] the sum of the values belongs to the interval [low, up].


predicate sum_pred(var $$X: i,
                   array [$$X] of set of $$Y: sets,
                   array [$$Y] of int: cs,
                   var int: s)

Requires that the sum of cs[i1]..cs[iN] equals s, where i1..iN are the elements of the i th set in sets.

Nb: not called ‘sum’ as in the constraints catalog because ‘sum’ is a MiniZinc built-in function.


predicate sum_set(array [$$X] of $$Y: vs,
                  array [$$X] of int: ws,
                  var set of $$Y: x,
                  var int: s)

Requires that the sum of the weights ws[i1]..ws[iN] equals s, where vs[i1]..vs[iN] are the elements appearing in set x