Additional Gecode constraints

In this section: among_seq, circuit_cost, circuit_cost_array, gecode_array_set_element_intersect, gecode_array_set_element_intersect_in, gecode_array_set_element_partition.


1.  predicate among_seq(array [int] of var int: x,
                        set of int: S,
                        int: l,
                        int: m,
                        int: n)

2.  predicate among_seq(array [int] of var bool: x,
                        bool: b,
                        int: l,
                        int: m,
                        int: n)
  1. Every subsequence of x of length l has at least m and at most n occurrences of the values in S

  2. Every subsequence of x of length l has at least m and at most n occurrences of the value b


predicate circuit_cost(array [int] of int: c,
                       array [int] of var int: x,
                       var int: z)

Constrains the elements of x to define a circuit where x[i] = j means that j is the successor of i. Additionally, constrain z to be the cost of the circuit. Each edge cost is defined by array c.


predicate circuit_cost_array(array [int] of int: c,
                             array [int] of var int: x,
                             array [int] of var int: y,
                             var int: z)

Constrains the elements of x to define a circuit where x[i] = j means that j is the successor of i. Additionally, constrain z to be the cost of the circuit. Each edge cost is defined by array c. The variables y[i] are constrained to be the edge cost of the node x[i].


predicate gecode_array_set_element_intersect(var set of int: x,
                                             array [int] of var set of int: y,
                                             var set of int: z)

Constrain z to be the intersection of all sets in y that are selected by x: \(i \in {\bf z} \leftrightarrow \forall j \in {\bf x}: (i \in {\bf y}[j])\)


predicate gecode_array_set_element_intersect_in(var set of int: x,
                                                array [int] of var set of int: y,
                                                var set of int: z,
                                                set of int: u)

Constrain z to be a subset of u, and z to be the intersection of all sets in y that are selected by x: \(i \in {\bf z} \leftrightarrow \forall j \in {\bf x}: (i \in {\bf y}[j])\)


predicate gecode_array_set_element_partition(var set of int: x,
                                             array [int] of var set of int: y,
                                             var set of int: z)

Constrain z to be the disjoint union of all sets in y that are selected by x: \(i \in {\bf z} \leftrightarrow \exists j \in {\bf x}: (i \in {\bf y}[j])\) and \(i \in {\bf x} \land j \in {\bf x} \land i\neq j \rightarrow {\bf y}[i] \cap {\bf y}[j]=\emptyset\)